DSH Talk – How Startups Should Build Their Go-To-Market Strategy

FormaçãoAbout this event

After having worked in over 50 different start-ups in the last few years Tristan has seen his fair share of marketing strategies. He’s helped startups build their go-to-market strategies and execute them.

Tristan dives into some key mistakes he’s seen startups make when building their marketing strategy and uncovers how founding teams can avoid making the same mistakes. Furthermore, he explains how the Bullseye Framework works and why he thinks it’s the ultimate way to build, and execute, a growth strategy for startups.

After the event, we will provide a networking session with beers, wine and soft drinks.



18:00 – Open Doors

18:20 – Talk “How Startups Should Build Their Go-To- Market Strategy

19:00 – Networking with Drinks

20:00 – End
